Your social graph

This article published on features a graphic which I created. Very interesting article and worth a read for anyone on the pulse of social media. – MF

Mapping Your Social Graph

As people become more connected and able to share information easily, reliance on friend’s opinion has only increased.   We’re social creatures.  We like to share and discuss our ideas and get feedback from people “just like us.”

The graph allows us to create a social context for our actions. What are my friends ‘liking’?  Who went to this movie? What did they think?

This is, of course, not a new phenomenon. What is new is how connected we are and how fast the information moves along the social graph. When a new movie comes out those at the first screening are texting their opinions before the movie is even over.  The tastemakers give it up a thumbs up or down.

Fashion houses are making it possible for a much wider audience to see their collections online and, in the six months between runway show and availability in stores, they tap into the social graph and adapt their offering based on how their followers respond.

Some companies have put a monetary value on their fans and followers:

McDonald’s fans spend $159.79 more per year than non-fans.  Nokia fans spend $107.32 more than non fans. For Coca Cola it’s $69.50 and for Oreos just $28. Across the board companies that have ‘done the math’ know that fans are spending more with them than non- fans do. (Source : Syncapse 2010)

Full article at