Facebook and your business

If you are in business today and are doing no social media at all – you need to reconsider your strategy. And if you are not active on Facebook then you also need to figure that out rapidly. Worldwide, there are over 1.23 billion monthly active Facebook users and that number is only increasing year by year.

Mobile is not the future – it is the NOW. Make sure your content and your website is mobile responsive and easily navigable on tablets. People buy off tablets! Hit them with the right content and you could generate a sale straight off the bat.

So, how do you connect to all these potential customers? There are many ways to skin this proverbial cat but the best way is to make engaging original content that speaks directly to your core audience.

That said, there are tricks to get that content picked up and repurposed to get the best bang for your buck. Custom Tabs and Facebook contests are winners. Use the occasional promoted post. Engage engage engage.

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Contact us to find out more about our Facebook-specific services, including page designs, and social media management.